Revolutionary PTSD Treatment

The #1 Self-Help Approach to PTSD Treatment
"I have referred over a hundred patients for this type of treatment and the results have been excellent"
Dr Mike Rowlands - Consultant Psychiatrist - London

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Overcome your PTSD with Sonic Reset Therapy®


It's easy and it works

SRT uses the power of sound to reset your mind. Listen to the special sound frequencies through earphones or headphones for best effect.

No need to travel

No need to travel

SRT works in the familiarity and comfort of your own home. It is more cost-effective and easier than travelling to see a therapist.

Combine SRT with other therapy

Combine SRT with other therapy

Are you already on medication or seeing a therapist? SRT integrates with both as an additional source of support.

User Experiences

Sonic Reset Therapy® is tried and trusted by over 3,000 members worldwide, as well as Psychiatrists from leading institutions in the U.K. Please take a look at our testimonials from previous, as well as active users of SRT and discover first hand what Sonic Reset Therapy® can do for you.

Three day FREE trial! Sign-up and overcome your PTSD today!



£49.99 / mth
Due to the Global Pandemic, we have reduced our prices to make this therapy more widely available
£29.99 / mth (Ex VAT)

Access SRT with a monthly payment

  • Secure payment with PayPal and Credit/Debit Card
  • Get INSTANT access
  • Exclusive of VAT @ 20%
  • A Monthly Saving of £20.00
Try it FREE


£399 / yr
Due to the Global Pandemic, we have reduced our prices to make this therapy more widely available
£299 / yr (Ex VAT)

Access SRT with a yearly payment

  • Secure payment with PayPal and Credit/Debit Card
  • Get INSTANT Access
  • Exclusive of VAT @ 20%
  • A Yearly Saving of £100
Try it FREE
Prices exclude VAT and are subject to our Terms and Conditions

What experts say about Sonic Reset Therapy®


What is Sonic Reset Therapy® ?

SRT uses the latest research in sound to produce a carefully calibrated tone that activates negative neural networks within your brain. Once your mind is in the right state for therapy, a reset tone sound then overlays the audio which helps reduce the strength of problematic memories, feelings and states of mind. With consistent treatment, this can successfully solve a range of mental health conditions and improve your quality of life.

How long does SRT self-treatment take?

Sonic Reset Therapy® (SRT) is a fresh, simple to use therapy that’s changing people’s lives. SRT is relatively new. But thousands of patients are now reporting remarkable results to therapists worldwide. Long experience in therapies of all kinds tells us that these positive reports indicate that SRT is both accessible and, crucially, effective. That’s why we underline our own confidence in SRT with a free three day trial, so that you can experience the SRT difference for yourself.

How long do I need to treat myself?

It takes roughly six months to successfully treat yourself with Sonic Reset Therapy™ . Doing so can take yourself from minus five to plus five, soothing all unwanted thoughts and feelings and making yourself feel better after thoroughly integrating new changes into your life.

Does SRT work with addictions, PTSD, OCD, and other diagnosed disorders?

Many clients successfully use SRT alongside their treatment plans, so if you have a diagnosed disorder, it’s okay to do the same so long as you let your healthcare professional know you are working with it. Sonic Reset Therapy™ successfully provides treatment for a range of mental health conditions, try it today and see the benefits for yourself.

How do I use Sonic Reset Therapy® ?

Before you begin your first session of self-treatment, we give you step by step instructions on the simple to use process. In brief, here's what you can expect:

Sonic Reset Therapy™ is not binaural beats or random soothing music. Your memory 'codes' difficult memories and feelings in your brain, and its' because these codes play out on a loop that they remain vivid and upsetting. The frequency and regulation of the SRT sound acts as a 'Code-Breaker'.

With headphones on, you listen to your first 20 minutes. SRT first helps you to access the feelings and emotions you want to change, and then breaks it up. This simple 'Pull-Up' and 'Pull-Apart' process is what makes SRT uniquely effective.

After 20 minutes, take a short break, and repeat the process. Stay with it, and you will rapidly find that the memories or emotions are shifting, becoming processed and put away. As this happens, helpful ideas and feelings can finally start to break through.

You can do this daily, and also whenever you feel you need it, like first-aid for your brain.

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Feel better today with SRT

Choice of two plans starting from only £29.99 a month.