Christmas, COVID-19 and Mental Health

December 15, 2020 |

Christmas, and COVID-19

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Mistletoe, and a Holly Reef.

Christmas day is fast approaching. This is normally a time when families come together, celebrate festivities and unwrap their Lynx Gift-Set for the year. However, for many it can lead to an increase in Anxiety for a multitude of reasons. Gathering at Christmas, as it stands will be permitted. For many, this will be a sigh of relief. However, for those who suffer with anxiety, the increase in Social Gathering can be difficult over the festive period. People who experience social anxiety can feel an element of pressure in attending the social events and engagements that occur at Christmas.

Additionally, for many families, Christmas can bring about an element of financial worry. With presents to buy, outfits for social events along with typical festive necessities, the cost of Christmas can soon add up, leading to an increase in Anxiety. Furthermore, there are definitely some people that, at Christmas, have no-one to spend their time with. This can lead to a feeling of isolation, and thus’ an increase in Anxiety.

COVID-19 will also have an effect on how Christmas for many people will be celebrated this year. In an era of social distancing, limits on how many people we may invite into our homes and the overall culture of ‘Hands, Face, Space’, Christmas may feel considerably different this year.

Tips for how to cope


It’s a well known fact that Exercise is a natural, and effective ‘Anti-Anxiety’ treatment. Exercise helps to relieve stress and it can help to boost your mental and physical energy. Also, it can enhance your overall wellbeing, through the release of Endorphins. It’s important when you are exercising that you focus on mindfulness (IE: Feeling your feet hit the ground, notice the rhythm… if you’re a gym go-er, feeling your muscles working and tearing to get a bar up etc).


It is quite typical at the Christmas period to indulge in the festivities and eat and drink quite a lot. A typical phrase I tend to hear a lot is “F*** it, it’s Christmas”. It is important to remember however that food, and particularly over-indulgence can have a big impact on our mood. As an example, sugar and caffeine can cause you to peak, and then crash throughout certain points in the day.


Rest is an important factor in the alleviation of mental health, and can allow you to feel less wired. Tiredness, can lead to feelings of helplessness, and not being able to cope.

How Sonic Reset Therapy® can help you this Christmas.

This Christmas, while away from work, you’ll naturally find that you have a bit more time on your hands to spend with your loved ones. Sonic Reset Therapy® is designed to be used for six days, for a combined 45 minutes per day, or until you find that your symptoms have alleviated, and over this Christmas period, there is no better time to give Sonic Reset Therapy® a try if you have feelings of Anxiety, Depression or indeed any other mental health condition.