What is Sonic Reset Therapy®?

Sonic Reset Therapy® is the creation of Positive Psychologist, Edward Sim. Sonic Reset Therapy is unique as a form of sound therapy. Drawing research from emerging Neuroscience, Biofeedback and Psychology, Edward formed Sonic Reset Therapy®, a novel medication free, self-help application on the web to help with mild to moderate Anxiety, Stress, PTSD and a wide range of other mental health conditions. Sonic Reset Therapy® has garnered real results for hundreds of clients in the therapy room, and is now available to you online.

How do I use Sonic Reset Therapy®

Sonic Reset Therapy® is like nothing else. Before you begin your first session of self-treatment, we give you step by step instructions on the process of Sonic Reset Therapy® and how to use it to it's full potential. In brief, here's what you can expect:

- Allow yourself one hour of uninterrupted time
- Sit or lie down in a comfortable position
- During the sound, you need to actively try to evoke the feelings that are causing distress through any means possible (Photographs, Social Media, Emotions, Memories etc)
- You will listen to the sound twice, for a total of 40 minutes with a break in between.

How long do I need to treat myself?

It takes roughly six sessions of Sonic Reset Therapy® to successfully treat yourself. Doing so can take you from a state of constant worry and anguish to a place of calmness and ease, soothing all unwanted thoughts and feelings and making yourself feel better after thoroughly integrating new changes into your life.

Does SRT work with addictions, PTSD, OCD, and other diagnosed disorders?

Many clients successfully use SRT alongside their treatment plans, so if you have a diagnosed disorder, it’s okay to do the same so long as you let your healthcare professional know you are working with it. Sonic Reset Therapy® successfully provides treatment for a range of mental health conditions, try it today and see the benefits for yourself.

Can I use Sonic Reset Therapy® with prescription medication?

Yes, SRT serves as additional therapy amongst other forms of treatment and medication to see faster results. Always use medication as prescribed and ensure SRT is right for you by clearing it with your healthcare provider first. Do not use SRT while under the influence of any other drugs or alcohol.

I don’t like the sound, what should I do?

Sonic Reset Therapy® is a mechanism that ‘disrupts the reconsolidation of problematic memory circuits within the limbic system of the brain through the use of acoustic sound stimulation’ (Lidenfeld et al, 2015). When listened to through headphones, this sound can break-up difficult memories, stuck emotions and negative beliefs. It is not a sound you will have heard before and ‘is comparable to angry, buzzing bees’. Some people find it instantly relaxing; many think it initially challenging, but everyone feels a shift. The sound may feel uncomfortable at first but as you stay with it and experience the desensitisation of your troublesome feelings, it will feel actively soothing and you should feel better following the period of treatment.

How does Sonic Reset Therapy® work?

You can log into your account on any WiFi-connected device: smartphone, computer or tablet. You will also need headphones or earphones of any type to listen to the reset tone. Once logged in, read the short instructions, put on your headphones and start your session.

How long do sessions last?

Each session lasts 20 minutes. We recommend that for the best results, you'll complete this treatment twice, with a five minute break in between, for a collective 45 minutes. Normally you will do this once a day, but for an accelerated change, you can treat yourself twice a day. The purpose of SRT is not just to get you from minus five to zero, but move you up to plus five and beyond.

Feel better today with SRT

Our plans now start from only £7.99 a month.